High level design
Feature Definitions
Feature Definitions are an abstraction that contains metadata about the feature that should lead to create a Feature Value.
Feature definitions contains the metadata of the feature, and the business logic of the feature.
The FeatureSpec struct defines the desired state of the Feature resource. The struct contains the following fields:
(required): Defines the type of the underlying feature-value that a Feature should respond with.Int
(required): Defines the age of a feature-value (time since the value has been set) to consider it as " fresh." Fresh values don't require re-ingestion. -
(required): Defines the age of a feature-value (time since the value has been set) to consider it as " stale." Stale values are not fit for usage and will require re-ingestion. -
(optional): Defines the maximum ingestion time allowed to calculate the feature value. -
(optional): Defines the number of previous values to keep in the history. -
(required): Defines the list of keys required to calculate the feature value. -
(optional): A reference to the DataSource that the feature is associated with. -
(required): Defines a building block to use to build the feature value.
In addition, feature's in Raptor has a unique identifier called FQN (Fully Qualified Name). The FQN is a unique
identifier for a feature, and is composed of the following: <namespace>.<feature-name>
Feature Value
The Feature Value is the computed value of a feature's ingestion.
Models in Raptor have two main components:
- Model execution - implemented as a Feature pipeline. The model pipeline build a feature set of the model's requirements, and then use it for predictions against the model.
- Model deployment - uses different model servers to serve the model.
The Core is the centeral component of Raptor. It acts as a "compiler" for the Raptor Definitions, and responsible for the "production" implementation for these definitions.
The Core's key responsibilities include:
- Read the Feature Definitions
- Create an appropriate "builder" for each Feature Definition using the internal [read/write pipelines][#Pipleines], and [runners][#Data-ingestion]
- Maintain the orchestration and monitoring of the system
The Core consists of several key components:
- [Engine][#Cores-engine] - responsible for the implementing the calculation pipelines
- [Operator][#Cores-operator] - responsible for system orchestration, including the deployment of various services.
- State- responsible for maintaining the state of the system, including the state of values and the system itself.
- Accessor - responsible for providing access to the system state through APIs.
- Plugin system - responsible for loading plugins
- Runtimes - responsible for executing Python code
Kubernetes Controller
The Kubernetes Controller in Raptor allows users to utilize Raptor in the Kubernetes environment. It is a component of the Core and supports validating manifests during creation.
The controller reconcile Custom Resource Definitions (CRDs) for Feature, DataSource, and Models, and spawns additional services and resources as needed.
- The controller supports validation on time of manifest create
- It "read and implement" the CRDs
- Feature - defines a feature metadata & business logic
- DataSource - defines the source configuration (i.e. how to connect to Kafka, what's the creds, what's the topic, schema, allocated resources, etc.)
- Model - defines a set of features and inference them with the model
- Update operations for Features are blocked by default and will be enabled only by enabling a special flag.
Core's engine
The Core's engine is responsible for accessing and processing the feature values, as well as storing them in the State, and executing pipelines.
Core's operator
The Core's operator is responsible for the orchestration of the system. It is responsible for the following:
- Spawning the different services such as Runners
- Modifying the CR's status
- Implementing CR's webhooks
Low-level API
The low-level API (aka Engine API) support low-level operations over feature values:
// Engine is the main engine of the Core
// It is responsible for the low-level operation for the features against the feature store
type Engine interface {
// FeatureDescriptor returns the FeatureDescriptor for the given FQN
FeatureDescriptor(ctx context.Context, selector string) (FeatureDescriptor, error)
// Get returns the value for the given FQN and keys
// If the feature is not available, it returns nil.
// If the feature is windowed, the returned Value is a map from window function to Value.
Get(ctx context.Context, selector string, keys Keys) (Value, FeatureDescriptor, error)
// Set sets the raw value for the given FQN and keys
// If the feature's primitive is a List, it replaces the entire list.
// If the feature is windowed, it is aliased to WindowAdd instead of Set.
Set(ctx context.Context, FQN string, keys Keys, val any, ts time.Time) error
// Append appends to the raw value for the given FQN and keys
// If the feature's primitive is NOT a List it will throw an error.
Append(ctx context.Context, FQN string, keys Keys, val any, ts time.Time) error
// Incr increments the raw value of the feature.
// If the feature's primitive is NOT a Scalar it will throw an error.
// It returns the updated value in the state, and an error if occurred.
Incr(ctx context.Context, FQN string, keys Keys, by any, ts time.Time) error
// Update is the common function to update a feature SimpleValue.
// Under the hood, it utilizes lower-level functions depending on the type of the feature.
// - Set for Scalars
// - Append for Lists
// - WindowAdd for Windows
Update(ctx context.Context, FQN string, keys Keys, val any, ts time.Time) error
It is exposed via the Accessor as gRPC and Rest.
The engine support online aggregation (using the bucketing algorithm)
Getting and Setting values to the State is performed through pipelines. A pipeline is composed by a chain of middleware functions that wraps the access to/from the State by the priority(the lowest priority, the earlier it's executed) that each middleware is defined with:
The middlewares allow chaining a set of functions when getting or setting a value, in order to mutate the value (or to prevent the operation). This is useful for implementing a variety of features, including:
- Validations - validations are PreSet middlewares
- DataConnectors that retrieve the data on the time-of-request (i.e. REST API)
- Transformations
- Encoders - i.e. attach "hashing" for the value at PostGet
The runtime is the unit that is responsible to run Python code. It is implemented as a sidecar container that is deployed with the model.
The runtime is responsible to:
- Run the python code
- Encapsulate the code execution environment
- Provide the code with the required data
- Provide the code with the required libraries
- Communicate with the Core
Builders are the composition of all the elements required to create a feature value:
- Builder Kind - specifies the type of the builder composer. This is the unit that composing the pipeline and the implementation details of the builder (and sometimes responsible for the connector implementation).
- Aggregations definition (if any)
- Python code
To build features, the builder required to pull configurations from two places:
- DataConnector CRD - defining the connection configuration
- Feature CRD - defining the business logic of a feature creation
Builders are an amorphic concept that unite together a set of instructions how to build the feature value. There is no one unit that implements it.
Data ingestion
Data ingestion can be implemented externally or internally
Externally - as a standalone service (aka "Runner" deployment) This can be implemented by writing a custom microservice (i.e. for webhook or streaming connectors)
Internally - in-process of the "Core", utilizing the GET/SET pipeline. This can be implemented by writing a "plugin" to that adds a middleware for this feature
Writing data as "feature value" is done using the "low-level API" (whether it's internally via the library or externally by the runtime sidecar)
The historian is responsible to keep records of the (current) State (of the world), to a storage. It does that by scheduling a periodic snapshotting of the State to the storage.
Snapshotting is the process that is responsible for copying data from the real-time/online state to the historical storage.
This process is composed of 3 different sub-processes:
- Regular features snapshotting
- Scheduled Windowed-features snapshotting
- Storing process - Synchronizes write calls
Regular features snapshotting
We are keeping every change to the feature. To do that we just need to hook in just after the write in the pipeline.
Every feature's writing request in the pipeline triggers writing to a distributed queue:
- Pipeline: write
- →Pipeline: Go routing to
Historian.AddWriteNotification(fqn, entityId,value)
- →Historian library: write a notification message to a Redis stream
Windowed features snapshotting
Due to the different behavior and volatility of windowed features, a different implementation is required:
- Windowed features are prune to MANY writes (due to the fact they are used to storing aggregations)
- Copying every change is expensive, inefficient and duplicating the raw data under the hood.
- We are triggering snapshotting of windowed features by:
- A periodic snapshotting (every 5 minutes)
- Trigger an "update notification" when a windowed feature is written to
To support the above, we are required to keep buckets in the state a little longer to make sure we're collecting them.
Synchronization process
The Synchronization process is running only on a leader instance. It utilizes an internal job queue combines duplicated writes and collection notifications, and handles them.
Collect Notifications
- collect the values
- Add a writing job of the results
Write jobs:
- The Writing process is running only on a leader instance.
- Writing the historical records to Historical Provider (i.e. Parquet S3, Snowflake, BigQuery, etc.)
- CRD - Custom Resource Definition
- Feature - A data input for the model which describes a trait of our data
- Feature Definition/Manifest - A feature's business logic declarative code. This is used by data scientists(via the LabSDK) to describe how the Core should generate feature values from raw data and how the platform should store it.
- FeatureSet - A set of features that are used to serve a specific model.
- DataSource - A conceptual unit that retrieves the data from the production system. Sometimes it's an actual unit( i.e. Kafka Runner), and sometimes it's just configuring a program.
- DataSource Manifest - The configuration of the DataSource
- Core - The main platform's program. This is the unit that is responsible to glue it all together
- Read/Write pipeline - The pipeline of fetching/setting data from/to the storage. At its middle, we have the actual operation of the storage.
- Middlewares - The steps that wrap the read/write of the store
- Runner - A unit that is running outside the Core and responsible
- Historical Provider - the historical storage implementation. We're taking snapshots of the current state to it.
- State - The state is the unit the stores the feature values to be served to models. It describes the current state of the world.